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The renowned Murano glass makers Barovier & Toso have been crafting stunning glass pieces since 1295 and this vase is a wonderful example of the esteemed glass makers expertise. With it's scrolled flaired sides raised high, the vase resembles an ancient victory cup. The fluted design is accentuated with swags of avventurina cacading down it's sides, evoking the image of laurel wreaths adorning a champion.

The use of Avventurina, glass containing metallic flakes, usually copper, is hallmark of Barovier and Toso. It's incorporation into glassmaking requires skill and expertise to achieve the desired effect. For centuries their practiced artisans have used it's shimmering appearance to add depth and dimension to their work, enhancing it's beauty and overall aesthetic.





Width: 8.5 inches

Depth: 5 inches

Height: 12 inches





Good with some light wear.

Barovier and Toso Fluted Art Glass Vase with Avventurina 1950s


    Austrian Crystal and Polished Nickel Chandeliers created by Venfield

    Bergdorf Goodman Display

    Photo by Thaddeus Rombauer

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